We equate this season with rebirth and renewal; a hope for a better year than last. But already wildfires and unseasonal tornados have raged in the U.S. There are riots in other countries due to lack of food stuffs and soring prices (or as with rice, stockpiled and exports withheld). Crude oil is out of control, and news articles warn that our water supplies are either tainted and/or at risk.
Old growth forests are being felled and burned at an alarming rate and numerous species of animals are endangered. All because the greatest of predators cannot control their growth, greed, consumption, and/or humanity. Happy Earth Day, indeed!
I’ve read it’s said this “is the Green’s High Holiday.”
Make no mistake; this is no holiday to me. I am neither a Green nor an Environmentalist. Though I haven’t physically hugged a tree of late, I do claim to be someone who cares about what is happening to that which we sustains us.
Make no mistake; this is no holiday to me. I am neither a Green nor an Environmentalist. Though I haven’t physically hugged a tree of late, I do claim to be someone who cares about what is happening to that which we sustains us.
I posted the following quote recently:
Some day the earth will weep, she will beg for her life, she will cry with tears of blood. You will make a choice, if you will help her or let her die, and when she dies, you will die too. ~John Hollow Horn, Oglala Lakota
Is that what’s going on these days? Are we nearing the end times? Or is this all just the natural changes Earth periodically goes through? Is man even to blame? Or is it the sun’s meteorological disturbances? Is it something we can all understand or is it beyond us? Do we truly know the facts or are we being duped?
One thing I do know, I’ve maintained for several years now, the seasons have changed. Recent springs have come early and ended sooner than they should. By the first week of June, 2007, the grasses were all but dead. Front yards in the Ohio Valley were brown. Well, those whose owners decided to not waste the water on a green lawn.
One thing I do know, I’ve maintained for several years now, the seasons have changed. Recent springs have come early and ended sooner than they should. By the first week of June, 2007, the grasses were all but dead. Front yards in the Ohio Valley were brown. Well, those whose owners decided to not waste the water on a green lawn.
There were record high temperatures and droughts. Fall was a month late in coming. I know because it's my favorite time of year. And winter had extreme rises and drops in temperature; literally from one day to the next and over night. I have no degree in forecasting weather, but I know none of this is right. It's also part of the Hopi Prophecies. [See: The Prophecies of the Hopi & The Forces of Purification]
This year, by mid April, wild fires have already raged, we’ve had out-of-season tornados, massive rains and flooding, pharmaceuticals lace our water supply, we’ve had temperatures 10-15 degrees higher the yearly average [It's not supposed to be up to 80 degrees right now.], and just a few days ago, the earth trembled under our feet. [See: Scientists: Even Bigger Quake Could Hit Midwest - read the comment by: Alboday]

This year, by mid April, wild fires have already raged, we’ve had out-of-season tornados, massive rains and flooding, pharmaceuticals lace our water supply, we’ve had temperatures 10-15 degrees higher the yearly average [It's not supposed to be up to 80 degrees right now.], and just a few days ago, the earth trembled under our feet. [See: Scientists: Even Bigger Quake Could Hit Midwest - read the comment by: Alboday]
I was awake at five-something that morning. My girls and I heard the building shake. I didn’t know what had happened at the time, but they were clearly unsettled and disturbed by the undefinable noise. Later in the day, as I sat at my desk, my monitor shook in front of me during an aftershock. Are these the rumblings of things to come?
Throughout 2006 and 2007, polar bears became the poster child for global warming, and Al Gore, with An Inconvenient Truth, made it an acceptable topic of conversation. All across the TV, people were (and still are) talking about going green. It would seem the argument for global warming over. Though a number of people have stated it emphatically, it's not. The nay-sayers aren't contesting whether or not it's real. They can't. Because it can no longer be covered up.
Though there are those who say we're heading for another ice age instead, the overall argument is whether climate change is a natural occurrence (something to be explained away by past earth cycles), or the harm done by man. That would be the greenhouse gas and CO2 emissions; our carbon footprint. I don't want to forget they're also arguing its instead the affects of solar activity and/or flares. [See: Global Warming Not a Cosmic Swindle].
In the following article: Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?, Timothy Ball asks, “So how has the world come to believe that something is wrong?” Well, I'm guessing because something compelling is going on--telling us otherwise--and we chose to believe it's true; that climate change is real.
For decades scientists struggled to warn us. And we heard them silenced by those of differing agendas. On various message boards where the subject comes up, for every one or two who believe climate change is man made and offer up their articles and voices of proof, there are those who follow immediately after touting it’s not; relying on their own evidences of the truth.
Global Warming or Just Hot Air? A Dozen Different Views provides a number of educated opinions (one or two possibly somewhat arrogant--you be the judge) but failed to mention global warming being man’s modification and control of the weather.
There are those who believe man is utilizing Telsa-based magnification technology. Simply put, man’s been screwing around with the weather and not telling us about it. Also, what we understand as those chemtrails in the morning skies, are actually maneuvers meant to correct the damage. The problem is, the chemicals being dumped were meant to reduce the ill-effects of man's tampering with Nature. But, instead they mix with what’s already wrong in the air and rain down ill health upon the masses.
That's slightly different from the largely believed version that these trails are laced with barium, aluminum, and ethylene dibromide; heavy metals, biological and nuclear aerosols. Some believe we're being tested on; aerially. Others believe it's a way of culling the human herd. .
I see chemtrails outside my window on a regular basis. Just a few days ago, I woke to a beautiful clear blue spring sky. Less than an hour later, I looked out again to find it criss-crossed with lines. I took a few pictures that day. I even captured an image of a jet lacing a new trail.
Most simply believe these are natural vapor trails. But they’ve not paid attention to the difference between the two. And the problem is we're left to ourselves to squabble and decide what's the truth. There are people who refuse to be outside when they see these unnatural clouds in the sky.
The article also doesn't mention anything about the fast approaching 2012, or the gravitational pull from approaching stars and/or planets. Take your pick. There is the Red Star/Kachina and the Blue Star/Kachina. If you read the Hopi Prophecy articles above, you already understand the significance. And there are recent astrological correlations, i.e., red dwarfs, Hale Bopp comet.
But there's also Planet X and/or Nibiru (widely accepted, already identified by NASA). Some say Nibiru is now only half the size it was the last time its orbit crossed Earth's. But it will still do some serious off-axis damage nonetheless. Another faction claims it's been destroyed and we've nothing to worry about. But! We earthlings are on our own. If we want change, it's man's responsibility to do so.
The evidence is equally compelling. Or is it? Arguments abound these days about Global Warming being nothing more than an elaborate hoax; with certain figures, in the grand scheme of things, set to profit the most. [See: The Year the Global Warming Hoax Died and there's a whole website dedicated to The Great Global Warming Swindle.]
I read the stories. What I’ve provided here is but a significant few. No wonder people are either confused, don’t care, or just plain complacent. It's difficult to know who or what to believe. Is it merely determining whether Global Warming is a natural cyclical occurrence or man induced? Is it a pending calamity? Is it all a smokescreen and propaganda? What’s the real hoax?
Do those who do nothing simply not want to be responsible for the massive changes necessary to help reverse and put things right? Do we even have another 10 years to reserve it? [See: No improvement in climate fight since 2006 film: Gore & Apocalyptic Climate and Global Ecological Warnings Justified]
Is it beyond human control? Do we simply wait until a mysterious planet/star draws closer and forces Earth off its current axis and see who survives? Because if it's that, than we have less than five years and reversing it doesn't factor in. Or, why should we even care when our own government shows no visible signs of concern? The US has literally snubbed their noses at recent global conferences, i.e., Kyoto Protocol. And things are not fairing well at present. [See: Climate change talks 'heading for trouble']
And what about those polar bears?
I know from personal experience, that we as human beings can be quite endearing. I experienced that for the many years as the organizer of a corporate drive for school supplies for Native American children on Indian Reservations in the Dakotas. The kindness of my fellow employees never ceased to amaze me.
.And when we know what we do is truly going to make a difference, we open our hearts to others to the point of miracles. Though world wide, certain responses to the Katrina disaster were the most shameful, there was also an over abundance of good will. A thing that can also be taken advantage of.
Are Polar Bears rightfully an indicator of the growing global threat? Or have our emotions been played? And to what end?

Click on the image to the left. This video says the polar bears are not in danger.
But there are numerous articles of recent, that speak to their plight and dwindling numbers. Canada's polar bears in dire straits: WWF, states: "Research is showing that increasing numbers of Beaufort Sea polar bears are starving and walking all the way to Russia, or far inland, in search of food," Ewins said. Increasing numbers of the bears are being killed as they forage wider for food and come into contact with human settlements. An emaciated mother bear and her two cubs were shot dead by Canadian police in early April at the community of Deline in the Northwest Territories, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) south of the Arctic Circle.
It should not be ruled out that there are those who prey on the good intentions of well-meaning people. But if real, is it better to suffer the environment and a species to extinction, to satisfy our never-ending need for oil? [See: See the following petition: Chill the Drills - Protect Alaska's Polar Bear Seas & Interior Dept. announces further delay of months in decision on listing of polar bear as threatened]
I've said it before, it would be unconscionable for us to let a thing die when we know we could make a difference. How will the children of our grandchildren think of us if we to let it happen otherwise?
So what do we do? Who and what do we believe? I believe there are those using the issue for profit. Which sadly defeats the efforts of well-meaning people honestly concerned about the environment; those who are caught in the middle of making sacrifices for what they perceive as necessary changes. I believe there are those who go looking for the truth and end up confused. I also believe that we know just enough about the truth of things to make some of our efforts more hazardous than good. [More on that, later!]
Bet no one expected all of this in this year’s letter!
Last year, to some, I prattled on about the birds outside my window. But I also spoke of it as being my way of giving back to Nature. I have always honored the Winged Ones on Earth Day. I can only trust that some took on a similar responsibility; that a few set up their own back yard sanctuaries.
This year, given what the questions and concerns posed above, I suggest we take nothing for granted. We need do what we know is right for the earth upon which we live. We must be observant of its needs. For I believe the earth does indeed weep.
Bet no one expected all of this in this year’s letter!
Last year, to some, I prattled on about the birds outside my window. But I also spoke of it as being my way of giving back to Nature. I have always honored the Winged Ones on Earth Day. I can only trust that some took on a similar responsibility; that a few set up their own back yard sanctuaries.
This year, given what the questions and concerns posed above, I suggest we take nothing for granted. We need do what we know is right for the earth upon which we live. We must be observant of its needs. For I believe the earth does indeed weep.
In closing, I found the following Earth Day video and would like to share it with you. It's short; less than 6 more minutes of your time. Just click on the frog. And then decide what you're going to do.
This played in the background
as I drafted this post.
Photos: Earth Day greeting and marsh frog, by L.L. Abbott, EarthSong Photography ~Copyright 2008