~Unplug what you do not use on a regular basis. Unplug your toaster, coffee maker, TV, printer, radio, etc., when you leave for the day or weekend. You'll be surprised what you save on your utility bill! And, you'll help lessen your ecological footprint!
~Buy or make some reusable shopping bags.
~Quilters, instead of using an iron to set every seam, use a hand pressing tool or finger press to conserve the energy spent heating up the iron. Save pressing for the larger, more complete block.
~Replace those plastic hand pump soft soap containers [at your kitchen and/or bath room sinks], with old-fashion bar soap. Cut down on the need to recycle or even produce the necessary plastics.
~The next time you wheel your trash bin to the curb—for city/county pickup—give a thought to what you would do if you had to dig a hole and bury your trash in your own back yard. We will one day be an ancient society. How will anthropologists think of what we left behind? How will they view and/or judge our existence?
~The next time you are @ Target, Meijer, Walmart, Kmart, Kohls, etc., buy a pkg. of handkerchiefs and help save trees from being used for nothing more than to blow our noses.
~Start saving and recycling emptied glass jars, i.e. peanut butter or jelly jars, and use them instead of so many zip lock bags or disposable plastic storage containers. They are great for left over servings of soup, corn, peas, rice, etc. And that’s less plastic to buy, recycle, or end up in a land-fill.
Blessings, L.L.
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